Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Apologies..And A Picture Story

So I apologize my dear readers for being so distant recently...I have been a horrible blogger, waiting almost a week to repost, not commenting on anyone's pages..talking shit about all of you to my Mom....I have just been a bad bad blogger and I deserve a serious spanking...from someone whom is very very hot ...(I am guessing Cajun Boy, you might be up for this challenge?)
But I digress.
There is a reason for this and it is called having a severe, scientific case of, "moppyness". You see I am having what some people might refer to as "problems with the men-folk".
I don't understand what is going on with me recently. There have been many men in the past three months that have come in and out of my life , including a few ex boyfriends as well...and for some reason I cannot get a firm grip on anything. They all keep drifting in and out of my life like the bad service waiters at the Times Square TGIFridays who never bring you back the lemon for your water because all I wanted was a LEMON AND A DAMN SIDE OF HONEY MUSTARD!
Instead of going into some deep long post about my "feelings" and why I have been feeling so "depressed" recently and blahdiddy blah blah..I figured I would do a picture story...because AIN'T THAT SPECIAL...
SO recently I have been a bit of this:
Which has subsequently lead me to much of this:

Now to help myself I have gone with the timeless remedy of lots of this:

And some even more of this:
Which unfortunately ends up making a lot of this happen:

That is normally followed by some of these:

Which actually looks more like some of these:

Which is followed by more of this:

20 Cizz-omments:

modelbehavior said...

omg that was like a mini visual novel. you should develop this shit china! Go Kim!

Anonymous said...

awww lady, no worries, some times it take a bit of time for these things to work themselves out..

Anonymous said...

There is truth at the bottom of a pint of Guiness. Unfortunately, for me that truth was you're an alcoholic who smokes and carouses too much. I hope your truth is cooler than mine.

Kim & Dic said...


yeah Harry I hope that is not my truth...although sometimes I think it is not too far off from it!

Unknown said...

Dawson is quite possibly the ugliest man alive.

Well, him and Tom Petty.

Kim & Dic said...

aww poor tom petty...although I feel like jerry seinfield could wrestle with that title as well...

Potsie said...

Don't forget the weird kid from Road Trip and the New Guy.

Kim & Dic said...

actually staring at dawson's BANGS are kinda killing me right how much longer could they get??

Anonymous said...

Your blogs always crack me up. :)

Keep your head up, boo.

Kim & Dic said...

awww thanks Heather!!..that does make my grumpy face go away for a bit!

The Flash said...

Thaaaaaat was pretty impressive. can't imagine the search terms that must've led to some of those pictures coming up.

How do I get my girlfriend to go to a strip club with me?

Anonymous said...

Reading that spanking line was as if I just walked in on my parents doing it. Shocking!! Thankfully I didn't see it so I didn't go blind.

Hope you're doing better.

Sid said...

i'm glad i'm not the only one wishing for a spanking from a hot guy.

No Longer Active said...

Is it me, but why does the real gripe fest always start after the words, "You wanna go outside for a smoke?" Nothing says to another friend how much shit I have to get off my chest than having a cig together...

ZenDenizen said...

Aww I like Tom Petty and Jerry Seinfeld. The weird kid from Road Trip trumps all.

Brilliant post as always...

Kim & Dic said...

@ the flash- tell your girlfriend that strip clubs have tupperware parties inside...i dont know, that me, pretending to think like a girl..

@eric- let me say i hope you have NEVER walked in on your parents getting a spanking...but i am hardly your mom!

Kim & Dic said...

@sid- maybe the one who spanks me can spank you as well..

@dcd- cigs make me feel 'thoughtful' and as though i have some deep thought on its way..

@zen- tom petty is painfully butch though

Unknown said...

I think you should cut your hair like Dawsons.

MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

this post was awesome. not the whole depressing part, but the post part. nevermind. ive been feeling the same lately about boys and ive come to the conclusion that (you ready?) well boys indeed suck. yeah thats it.

hope you feel better. once the booze wears off i can hook you up with some drugs if you want...

longredcape said...

Looks a lot like my life right now!!